Taking inspiration from roguelikes like FTL and OSRS gold games for parties like Overcooked, It Means Warp sees players control the crew on an aircraft, who are in charge of various devices, shooting weapons and conducting repairs, and ultimately taking a map of the dangerous space void.
To learn more about Jagex's publishing of This Means Warp, we asked Outlier Games' founders Paul Froggatt and Matt Rathbun, and Lead Product Management for Jagex Robert Fox-Galassi about their thoughts about the new collaboration.
As with many indie developers, our initial entry into the gaming industry came from tinkering with games and game ideas over a an extended period of time before deciding to create something that was playable!
I've had 10 years' experiences working at Google before I decided to go into gaming full-time. Matt's career spans building Hollywood computer systems for movie sets, a stint in South Korean esports and mobile game development. We couldn't be more thrilled to show what we've created through This Means Warp.
A number of video games have led to aspiring developers create their own. However, it's not common to see the work of a different creator picked up by runescape 2007 gold the same company that created the original title.