Ramadan Appeal
We would love you to be a part of our Ramadan Appeal
The Al-Meezan journey has been an exciting one in its endeavour to become a beacon centre of islamic learning for the community.
Today it hosts a diverse range of programs targeting various facets of the Muslim community in Glasgow and beyond.
It is with the grace of Allah (swt), sheer hard work and determination of our staff and noble generoisity of our supporters that we stand where we are today.
The Prophet said: "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." (Tirmidhi)
Where else will my donations go?
Maintaining Al-Meezan House
Purchasing resources and equipment for classes
Developing future courses and services
Fund for helping hard up families with fees
Remember every donation to Al-Meezan benefits you or your deceased relative as much as it will benefit our work, so donate today!
May we take the opportunity to thank you for your support and may Allah (swt) reward you greatly for this in this life and the next.
The prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h) said
" The charity you give will be your shade on the day of Judgement."
There are three monthly payment options:
Gift Aid
By completing the Gift Aid form below you are increasing the value of donations by 25%, so it means even more money goes to the causes you care about – and it won't cost you extra.
Card Payment
To make the payment please
text 07894 325047 with the following details (anytime between Monday to Thursday. 10am to 3pm.)
a. Your Full Name
b. Contact Number
c. Donation Amount
A link will be sent to you to complete your transaction and you will recieve an email reciept.
Standing Order
No PayPal or do you wish to set up standing order to save Al-Meezan costs? You can do this via two options. Download and complete the form and
Send it to your own bank and provide us a copy of the form.
Send it to us and we will process it on your behalf (Address it to: Al-Meezan House, 1 Rowan Road G41 5DL).